If you have updated your macOS recently to Mojave otherwise known as verison 10.14 you may not be able to install the last version of Truecrypt in order to access your old volumes encrypted with Truecrypt software. This article will guide you to get this working on your MacOS v10.14 (Mjoave) . Download the package from https://truecrypt.ch/downloads/ or https://www.truecrypt71a.com/downloads/ . Find downloaded package using Finder in your HDD/Users/username/Downloads folder and will look like TrueCrypt 7.1a Mac OS X.dmg . Open file location in Finder and open or double click on TrueCrypt 7.1a Mac OS X.dmg . This will mount Truecrypt 7.1a and will have Truecrypt 7.1a.mpkg in it. Drag the package T rueCrypt 7.1a.mpkg and drop in your Downloads folder. From Locations in Finder you can eject your TrueCrypt mount. Now go to your Downloads location, find the file TrueCrypt 7.1a.mpkg , right click and select Show Package Contents . Find the ...
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