Convert American Date and Time to British Date and Time - mm/dd/yy hh:mm to dd/mm/yy hh:mm in Microsoft Excel 2010
I had been struggling to get Microsoft Excel 2010 to understand that my data in put is in American date format before I could add some calculations to the date and time. A quick 5 minute googling didn't bring any help so ended up writing a formula and using built in table format helped filling it all the way through the table. So what you have to do is have a date in American format in cell A2 so that the contents of cell A2 look like below. 11/31/14 23:24 You can copy and paste following formula directly in cell C2 and will simply convert your date/time into British date/time format which you can then use for calculations. =LEFT(MID(A2,FIND("/",A2)+1,2)&"/",FIND("/",MID(A2,FIND("/",A2)+1,2)&"/")-1)&"/"&LEFT(A2,FIND("/",A2)-1)&"/"&RIGHT(TRIM(LEFT(A2,8)),2)&" "&TRIM(RIGHT(A2,6)) If this doesn't resolve into a recognisable date in your version of exc