Convert American Date and Time to British Date and Time - mm/dd/yy hh:mm to dd/mm/yy hh:mm in Microsoft Excel 2010
I had been struggling to get Microsoft Excel 2010 to understand that my data in put is in American date format before I could add some calculations to the date and time. A quick 5 minute googling didn't bring any help so ended up writing a formula and using built in table format helped filling it all the way through the table.
So what you have to do is have a date in American format in cell A2 so that the contents of cell A2 look like below.
11/31/14 23:24
You can copy and paste following formula directly in cell C2 and will simply convert your date/time into British date/time format which you can then use for calculations.
=LEFT(MID(A2,FIND("/",A2)+1,2)&"/",FIND("/",MID(A2,FIND("/",A2)+1,2)&"/")-1)&"/"&LEFT(A2,FIND("/",A2)-1)&"/"&RIGHT(TRIM(LEFT(A2,8)),2)&" "&TRIM(RIGHT(A2,6))
If this doesn't resolve into a recognisable date in your version of excel you can edit field by pressing F2 and enter it should work, however if it still doesn't work you can add vaule formula outside above and then change date format using excel format and should do you the trick.
=VALUE(LEFT(MID(A2,FIND("/",A2)+1,2)&"/",FIND("/",MID(A2,FIND("/",A2)+1,2)&"/")-1)&"/"&LEFT(A2,FIND("/",A2)-1)&"/"&RIGHT(TRIM(LEFT(A2,8)),2)&" "&TRIM(RIGHT(A2,6)))
So what you have to do is have a date in American format in cell A2 so that the contents of cell A2 look like below.
11/31/14 23:24
You can copy and paste following formula directly in cell C2 and will simply convert your date/time into British date/time format which you can then use for calculations.
=LEFT(MID(A2,FIND("/",A2)+1,2)&"/",FIND("/",MID(A2,FIND("/",A2)+1,2)&"/")-1)&"/"&LEFT(A2,FIND("/",A2)-1)&"/"&RIGHT(TRIM(LEFT(A2,8)),2)&" "&TRIM(RIGHT(A2,6))
If this doesn't resolve into a recognisable date in your version of excel you can edit field by pressing F2 and enter it should work, however if it still doesn't work you can add vaule formula outside above and then change date format using excel format and should do you the trick.
=VALUE(LEFT(MID(A2,FIND("/",A2)+1,2)&"/",FIND("/",MID(A2,FIND("/",A2)+1,2)&"/")-1)&"/"&LEFT(A2,FIND("/",A2)-1)&"/"&RIGHT(TRIM(LEFT(A2,8)),2)&" "&TRIM(RIGHT(A2,6)))