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Copy files and folders using SCP with spaces in path

Copying data from one system to other with file or folder names that contain spaces in path can be achieved using this guide. In this case I am copying data from Macbook to Windows 10 computer. In order to copy the data easily it is better to use bash commands. Windows computer can support WSL (Windows subsystem for Linux) and you can run one of few linux distributions to use shell commands. I have Ubuntu set up within my Windows 10 using WSL. If you do not have WSL, you can set it up using my guide here . The copy can be performed in two ways: 1) Using SCP Source (MacOs) path: /home/Users/username/Documents/data extract from 2020/ First of all you add escape sequence to the path so it will become:  /home/Users/me/Documents/data\ extract\ from\ 2020/ . While this works on local system for SCP you'll have to double the escape sequences by replacing \ with \\, as below. Figure out your source computer IP address using "ifconfig" command. Now using scp command on target syst...
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Bash script and characters that require to be escaped

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