Statistics based on some specific metrics are listed below. The data is based on daily information from Worldometer and updated manually. Charts will update automatically.
Please use links below to get to individual charts and feel free to bookmark this page but do not bookmark direct chart link as it may change. These charts compare statistics for countries including China, Italy, UK, US, Pakistan & India.
(Does not work in Safari Mobile)
Please click on links below for specific chart, more to come.
Chart showing death rate doubling in x number of days.
This chart shows trend of patients successfully recovered vs total closed cases.
No of deaths reported with trend comparison between three countries.
The data for these charts is extracted directly from John Hopkins University data feed available from GitHub using the link below. Please use at your own discretion and I do not take any responsibility of data accuracy, information or impact of these reports.
You could also use this data driven from Worldometer.
Please use links below to get to individual charts and feel free to bookmark this page but do not bookmark direct chart link as it may change. These charts compare statistics for countries including China, Italy, UK, US, Pakistan & India.
(Does not work in Safari Mobile)
Please click on links below for specific chart, more to come.
Chart showing death rate doubling in x number of days.
This chart shows trend of patients successfully recovered vs total closed cases.
Comparison of deaths per cases every day showing trend comparison and days behind.
No of cases reported, how far they are behind each other and trend.
You could also use this data driven from Worldometer.