If you wish Skype to receive a call or a SIP call received to be forwarded to Skype you should follow these instructions.
- You have SkypeIn set up in the same way as described here.
- You have Asterisk installed and configured to take or forward calls as per this blog.
- You have VNC Server configured to run as service as per this blog.
sudo adduser skypeout
sudo cp /home/skypein/.vnc/xstartup /home/skypeout/.vnc/xstartup
sudo chown skypeout:skypeout /home/skypeout/.vnc/xstartup
sudo cp -r /home/skypein/sip2sis /home/skypeout/
sudo chown -R skypeout:skypeout /home/skypeout/sip2sis
sudo su - skypeout
vncserver :3
modify host_port for incoming SIP calls
vi ~/sip2sis/siptosis.cfg
Change audio_port from 63200 to 63300 in
vi ~/sip2sis/siptosis.cfg
Change Skype Audio Base port in
vi ~/sip2sis/siptosis.cfg
Restart VNC Server and connect using VNC client
vncviewer :3
Accept Skype Agreement, login and save account details.
Accept Java Plugin connectivity and save it.
If you have firewall installed allow these ports
sudo ufw allow 63300:63302/udp
sudo ufw allow 64432:64435/tcp
sudo ufw allow 5080/udp
sudo ufw allow 64432:64435/tcp
sudo ufw allow 5080/udp
Add following to the bottom of
vi ~/sip2sis/SkypeToSipAuth.props
sudo vi SkypeOutDialingRules.props
Restart VNC Server and test call routing
sudo service vncserver restart