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SkypeIn - Skype to SIP or SIP to Skype Gateway configuration using siptosis

This article will guide you through installation and configuration of SipToSis Skype gateway which will enable you to forward Skype calls to SIP URI or receive calls from SIP phones, clients or gateways to be dailled through Skype.

Create a user account for skypein
sudo adduser skypein
Select anything you wish for account details including password of your choice

Download SipToSis - Sip to Skype integration software
Go to and download following
" Sip to Skype integration software"

Download Jave JRE v6 or above
Go to
Select the latest JRE Download
Select appropriate download such as "Linux x86 - Compressed Binary"

Go to from a Linux based browser and select Downloads which will take you to
Select Linux (self-extracting file) filesize: 20.6 MB
This will download jre-6u27-linux-i586.bin

cd /usr/src
sudo /bin/sh ~/Downloads/jre-6u27-linux-i586.bin
sudo ln -s /usr/src/jre1.6.0_27/bin/java /usr/bin/java

cd ~/Downloads
If the downloaded file doesn't have any extension rename it
mv getskype-linux-beta-static skype_static-

bunzip2 skype_static-
cd /usr/src
tar -xvf ~/Downloads/skype-
sudo ln -s /usr/src/skype_static- /usr/src/skypestatic
sudo ln -s /opt/skypestatic /usr/share/skypestatic
sudo ln -s /opt/skypestatic/skype /usr/bin/skypestatic

Verify any liberary dependencies
cd /tmp
sudo dpkg -i /tmp/getlibs-all.deb
cd /usr/src/skype_static-
sudo getlibs skype
You should expect to see "This application isn't missing any dependencies"

Configure VNC Session with Skype to run on start
sudo su - skypein
vncserver :2
Enter password of your choice
vi ~/.vnc/xstartup
Add following and comment out default window manager
fluxbox &
skypestatic &
# x-window-manager &

Restart VNC Server
vncserver -kill :2 && vncserver :2

sudo su - skypein
mkdir ~/sip2sis
cd ~/siptosis
unzip /tmp/
chmod +x SipToSis_linux

Restart VNC Server
vncserver -kill :2 && vncserver :2

Connect to VNC Session using vncviewer :2
Accept Skype Agreement
Login to Skype client using the Skypein username and password and save it to login when it starts.
If skype is not configured or running in VNC xstartup run it using "skypestatic &"
accept API request and Remember it.
Now go to Skype Options and within Public API you should see Skype4Java

Add Sip to Sis to your VNC Startup config
vi ~/.vnc/xstartup
xterm -geometry 100x50+1+1 -e ~/sip2sis/SipToSis_linux &
vncserver -kill :2 && vncserver :2

Configuring call routing for Skype to accept SIP calls and forward calls to SIP addresses.
Anything with a number in front of ip address on SIP port configured will initiate a SkypeOut call using Skype client. e.g. 0044208123456789@localhost:5070. However you can define shortcuts to call other Skype buddies or skypeout numbers.
You can also define the Country and Area code in this file so that trailing country or city codes are automatically added to local number that you dial.

vi ~/sip2sis/SkypeOutDialingRules.props

# ^([1-9][0-9]{6})$:+1561$1^M
# ^([1-9][0-9]{9})$:+1$1^M
# ^([0-9]{7,})$:+$1^M

Port used for calls from SIP to Skype
vi ~/sip2sis/siptosis.cfg
This will take any calls from SIP for a SIP URI to skypeidorno@localhost:5070 which will then dial skype id or number using skype client.

Stun Server configuration - add as many as you can for resilience,,,,,,,,,,,,

Audio Ports - May need to be changes in some cases
vi ~/sip2sis/siptosis.cfg
Modify Daily PSTN maximum call allowance
vi ~/siptosis/siptosis.cfg
# dailyPstnLimitMinutes=350

Foward all skype calls to SIP URI Addresses that accept anonymous/ forwarded sip calls
vi ~/SkypeToSipAuth.props
#For example if you wish to call your sip to skype gateway
#configured on same computer, you would use following. Uncomment
#below with for URI configured in  ~/sip2sis/SkypeToSipAuth.props

Run Skype as a service or as a part of rc.local scripts using following url.

Configure ports to be forwarded to your server or host from Router. Also allow linux firewall to accept traffic on these ports.
sudo ufw allow 10000
sudo ufw allow 5070
sudo ufw allow 63200:63202/udp
sudo ufw allow 64432:64435/tcp

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