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An invention into Snowflake Chart

In order to breakdown a number into further group and further and further I was looking for some visualisation techniques and unfortunately could not find anything within Microsoft's latest Office Suit, Goolge Charts or any other third party that I could find on the internet.

I ended up sticking with MS Excel and used pie but what I need was multiple pies coming out of a pie chart which Excel doesn't do for you. There is a Pie in Pie within Excel 2010 but it can't do anything more than that.

I then ended up creating multiple pies manually and added drawings between the pies for it to look like one chart depicting multiple pies in a pie which did the job for me.

Now the challenge was what to call it and since it very much looked like a snowflake I named it Snowflake Chart. I'll publish more details on how to create it or an example at a later date.

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