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UK Take Home Salary Calculator 2014-15

UK Salary or personal income has different Tax and National Insurance bandings with different rates your tax and NI is calculated and deducted from your salary before you get paid through PAYE or will have to pay if you are Self Employed through Self Assessment Returns at the end of year. Below table gives you a quick idea of approximately how much tax and national insurance deduction you would expect as an employee at different levels of income. Lot of retail business pay employees on weekly basis and keep one week wage in hand but large corporates pay wages every month before end of month that you worked in. These figures are calculated as an approximate overview during tax year 2014/15 and may be changed by Inland Revenue in future. A breakdown of calculation can be carried out from The Salary Calculator which was used also in calculating below figures.

Basic Annual (£) Tax+NI Deduction (%) Take Home (Year) Take Home (Month) Take Home (Week)
5000 0% 5000 417 96
10000 2% 9756 813 188
15000 12% 13156 1096 253
20000 17% 16555 1380 318
25000 20% 19955 1663 384
30000 22% 23355 1946 449
35000 24% 26755 2230 515
40000 25% 30155 2513 580
45000 26% 33241 2770 639
50000 28% 36141 3012 695
55000 29% 39041 3253 751
60000 30% 41941 3495 807
65000 31% 44841 3737 862
70000 32% 47741 3978 918
75000 32% 50641 4220 974
80000 33% 53541 4462 1030
85000 34% 56441 4703 1085
90000 34% 59341 4945 1141
95000 34% 62241 5187 1197
100000 35% 65141 5428 1253
105000 36% 67041 5587 1289
110000 37% 68941 5745 1326
115000 38% 70841 5903 1362
120000 39% 72741 6062 1399
125000 39% 75641 6303 1455
130000 40% 78541 6545 1510
135000 40% 81441 6787 1566
140000 40% 84341 7028 1622
145000 40% 87241 7270 1678
150000 40% 90141 7512 1733

Note: Above information is only an approximate estimate at the time of calculation and should only be used for guidance. For any accurate financial matters please contact your Payroll, Finance or Accountant who are qualified to provide you with professional advice.

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